10,000 steps / day! Are you achieving this?

βœ… 10,000 steps / day encourages the accumulation of incidental and planned activity throughout the day.

πŸ’‘ The magic number β€œ10,000” dates back to a marketing campaign conducted shortly before the start of the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games. A company began selling a pedometer called the Manpo-kei: β€œman” meaning 10,000, β€œpo” meaning steps and β€œkei” meaning meter.

Since then, there have been numerous studies that have compared the health benefits of different number of steps. These studies have shown, unsurprisingly, the higher the number, the better the health benefits.

Health benefits of walking 10,000 steps / day include:

βœ… Helps promote weight loss

βœ… Helps improve sleep

βœ… Helps improve muscular and cardiovascular fitness

βœ… Helps improve bone health

βœ… Helps prevent and manage mental health problems

βœ… Helps lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, colon and breast cancer

βœ… Helps improve mobility and balance

 Need help achieving your 10,000 steps? Here are some tips:

➑️ Incorporate walking int your daily commute

➑️ Walk between errands

➑️ Take the stairs

➑️ Have a walking meeting

➑️ Find a walking buddy

➑️ Make multiple trips (carrying groceries from your car to inside your house)

➑️ Take an extra lap around the grocery store

➑️ Get off the bus one or two stops early

➑️ Park further away from your destination

Have any questions? Call us on 9740, 5454, we’d love to help.

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