Do you get a niggly pain in your shoulder when you chest press?

The bench press exercise helps to increase strength in:

✅ Pectoralis muscles (chest)

✅ Anterior deltoids (front of shoulder)

✅ Latissimus dorsi (upper back muscles)

✅ Triceps brachii (back of the arms)

3 benefits of the bench press include: 

1️⃣ Builds power for better sports performance – upper body strength for many sports including rugby, basketball, baseball and tennis.

2️⃣ Improves upper body bone density – as we age our bones degenerate however resistance exercises can slow down the onset of osteoporosis.

3️⃣ Gets rid of your ‘tuck shop’ arms – the bench press helps to tone your arms muscles.

💡 Bench Press Technique

➡️ Start by lying flat on your back with feet relaxed on the floor.

➡️ Hold the barbell or dumb bells horizontally.

➡️ Set your elbow positioning – elbows should be out to your side with a 45-degree angle between your upper arm and torso. This should line your hands and the bar up with your nipple line. The elbow joint should be at 90 degrees, with the weight directly over the shoulder.

➡️ Set your shoulder blades.

➡️ Exhale to move and push the weight directly up into the air – make sure to keep your elbows soft and just shy of a completely locked out position.

➡️ Inhale to lower the bar.

❌ Common Errors:

➡️ Failure to set shoulder blades

➡️ Failure to get tight

➡️ Flaring elbows

➡️ Lifting too great of a weight

➡️ Holding your breathe

➡️ Curving upper back forwards

💡 How can physiotherapy help you?

✅ Physiotherapy can help educate you on how to perform a good bench press despite your age, level of fitness or gender. We can also help to:

➡️ Improve strength

➡️ Improve fitness

➡️ Ensure correct technique is being used in your day to day fitness regime to avoid injury

☎️ DM or call us on 9740 5454 if you’d like help with your chest press. 

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