Are you experiencing pain or discomfort with chewing, yawning or opening/closing your mouth?

🚨 You may be experiencing temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

💥 Although many people may think the most likely health care provider to address symptoms of the mouth or jaw would be a dentist; there has however been an advancement in Physiotherapy as a front line approach for TMD.

📌 What is the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?

➡️ The TMJ is the joint between the lower jaw bone (mandible) and the temporal bone that is separated by a disc.

➡️ It is located beside the ear and is the most used joint in the body during daily function.

➡️ If you place your finger beside your ear and repetitively open and close your mouth you will be able to feel this joint.

📌 Types of TMD may include:

➡️ Displaced TMJ disc

➡️ Degenerative joint

➡️ Myofascial pain

📌What causes TMJ disorders?

➡️ Trauma to the jaw or TMJ

➡️ Muscle problems

➡️ Repetitive overuse

➡️ Degenerative changes in the joint

➡️ Chronic stress

➡️ Habitual behaviour eg clenching, grinding or bruxism.

➡️ Cervical spine involvement

📌 Symptoms?

➡️ Pain in the check or jaw

➡️ Limited mouth opening

➡️ Neck pain +/- headaches

➡️ Joint noises ( clicking, popping, or grating when opening/ closing mouth)

➡️ Pain with chewing or difficulty swallowing

➡️ Jaw muscle stiffness


✅ Research has shown that physiotherapy treatment is effective in relieving and managing TMD in the acute and chronic phases of the disorder.

➡️ Treatment may include:

✅ Soft tissue releases

✅ Joint mobilisation

✅ Postural correction and neck treatment

✅ Exercise program to improve coordination, stability and alignment of the jaw.

✅ Relaxation exercises

☎️ If you suspect you may be suffering from TMD DM, book online or call us on 9740 5454.

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