Are you concerned about your child’s bowed legs or knocked knees?

📈 Bowed legs and knocked knees are a normal part of bony growth and maturation in children.

💥 Bowed legs

➡️ Infants are born with bowed legs usually as a result of being tucked up inside their mother’s womb.

➡️ The bowed leg appearance will usually disappear between the age of 1 to 3 years of old.

💥 Knocked knees

➡️ Knock knees are common between the ages of 3 and 5 years old.

➡️ By the age of 8 to 10 years old, leg bones straighten to reach their normal adult position.

✅ In the majority of cases, bowed legs and knocked knees require no treatment and will improve on their own over time.

💥 However, it is recommended to see a physio if:

➡️ The curve of your child’s legs appears to be extreme

➡️ It affects only one side, or one side is much worse than the other side

➡️ The bowed legs get worse after 3 years of age, or the knocked knees get worse after 8 years of age

➡️ Your child complains of pain or walks with a limp

➡️ Your child is unusually short for their age

✅ We recommend taking a photo of the front and back of your child’s legs in standing every 6 months to monitor the changes over time.

☎️ Have any questions? DM or call us on 9740 5454, we would love to help!

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