Are you experiencing a deep pain in your buttocks that just won’t go away no matter what you try?
Are you experiencing a deep pain in your buttocks that just won’t go away no matter what you try?
🚨 Piriformis Syndrome
Are you experiencing a deep pain in your buttocks that just won’t go away no matter what you try?
➡️ This pain may be due to a condition known as piriformis syndrome.
What is the piriformis?
➡️ Simply put the piriformis is a muscle that guides the hip into rotation, flexion and abduction.
➡️ It is located deep in the buttocks region and sits over the sciatic nerve in most individuals.
➡️ Factors that may lead to piriformis syndrome can include:
📌 Piriformis muscle spasm or tension
📌Variations in the piriformis muscle or an over active muscle which may cause muscle growth and in turn cause compression of the sciatic nerve
📌Weakness in surrounding muscles of the hip and pelvis
📌Conditions of or injuries to the sacroiliac joint
➡️ Any of the above conditions can affect the piriformis muscle causing deep buttocks pain as well as impacting on the adjacent sciatic nerve.
➡️ Symptoms most commonly reported include:
📎 Deep burning buttock pain
📎Throbbing sensation deep into the gluteal region
📎Pain referring down the back of the thigh and sometimes down the entire back side of the leg
📎Buttocks pain with prolonged sitting and/or walking/ running/ taking stairs.
✅ How can Physiotherapy help?
📌 Recommendations on ice or heat therapy
📌Piriformis muscle release using stretches, foam roller + spikey ball
📌Nerve release with neural stretches
📌Strengthening program for surrounding musculature
📌Manual therapy
📌Dry needling
☎️ If you think you may be experiencing Piriformis Syndrome DM, book online or call us on 9740 5454 for a thorough assessment and treatment plan.
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