Do you get pain around your wrist and thumb? Does it hurt when you grasp/grip/pinch/lift an object
🚨De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
➡️ De Quervain’s is a common condition of the wrist affecting the tendons of the thumb particularly the ones involved with lifting the thumb up and away from the palm.
➡️ It can be quite painful and can gradually worsen.
➡️ Typically it is classified as swelling of the tendons that run along side the thumb.
➡️ It is commonly caused by chronic overuse.
🚨 People tend to report pain particularly with:
– movement of the thumb and wrist
– Grasping/ Gripping/ pinching/ lifting something
– Typing
– Turning the wrist
– Forming a fist
➡️ It can also be associated with mothers with young babies especially those who breastfeed.
➡️ The repetitive nature of picking up a new baby with the thumb up and out, away from the palm can cause undue stress on the tendons.
✅ Treatment options:
📎 Anti-inflammatory drugs
📎 Applying ice or heat to the affected area
📎 Graded exercise program
📎 Education regarding activity modification + how to move the thumb
📎Wearing a splint or specific thumb brace that can help limit wrist and thumb movement in order to reduce inflammation and promote healing
📎 Cortisone Steroid Injection
✅ In most cases De Quervain’s tenosynovitis can settle well with conservative treatment.
🤔 If you think you may be experiencing De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, DM, book online or call us on 9740 5454 to book in for a full assessment and treatment plan.
#physiohubwileypark #physio #wristpain #wristpainrelief #thumbpain #dequervainstenosynovitis #dequervains #dequervainsyndrome
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