Do you suffer from pain along the inside of the foot and ankle?

💥 Tibialis Posterior Muscle

The tibialis posterior is a muscle that attaches from the tibia and fibula to many small bones on the inside of the foot.

Its main role is to support your foot’s arch and provide stability to your foot.

It also helps to point the foot down and turn it in.

💥 Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy

Tibialis posterior tendinopathy occurs when there is an overload of this muscle/tendon.

Symptoms include pain on the inside of the ankle, extending down into the foot, especially after periods of weight bearing.

The tendon often tends to ‘warm up’ and it becomes less painful over the course of an activity only to become more painful when you cool down.

💥 How can physiotherapy help?

✅ The initial management of this condition involves relative rest, focusing on decreasing load on the tendon to a level that it is capable of tolerating.

✅ Taping to offload the tendon may be helpful at this point to assist in offloading and settling the tendon.

✅ The second stage of management involves addressing any weakness or biomechanical issues which may have caused or contributed to the development of the condition.

⁉️ Are you suffering from tibialis posterior tendinopathy?

☎️ DM, book online or call us on 9740 5454, we’d love to help.

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