Have you ever had an injury where your shoulder has ‘popped out’? Or do you feel like your shoulders are loose?

🚨 Shoulder Instability

🚨 Have you ever had an injury where your shoulder has ‘popped out’? 

🚨 Or do you feel like your shoulders are loose? 

🚨 Or are there certain positions like over head where your shoulders feel unstable?

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body and is prone to 

dislocations (where the humerus pops out and stays out) and subluxations (where the humerus moves out then straight back in). 

What are the causes of shoulder instability?

➡️ Trauma can lead to traumatic shoulder instability e.g., falling onto an 

outstretched arm or falling onto the shoulder.

➡️ Microtrauma from repetitive activities such as throwing, swimming, or serving in tennis. 

➡️ Anatomical changes such as flattened or narrow socket.

➡️ Poor muscle recruitment or muscle weakness (particularly of the rotator cuff).

➡️ Damaged shoulder ligaments.

➡️ Hypermobility syndromes or connective tissue disorders such as Marfan syndrome or Ehlers Danlos syndrome.

Symptoms of instability can include:

➡️ Avoiding certain shoulder positions due to pain or apprehension.

➡️ A feeling of loose, slipping or giving out around the shoulder

➡️ Dead, heavy or tingling feeling in arm.

➡️ Shoulder pain in either back, front or the side of the joint.

➡️ Recurrent dislocation or subluxation.

➡️ Weakness with shoulder movements.

💡 How can Physiotherapy help with Shoulder Instability? 

Our physiotherapists will:

✅ Perform a comprehensive assessment of your shoulder and identify any underlying factors contributing to your pain.

✅ Correct poor shoulder biomechanics to optimise function.

✅ Design a personalised exercise program to target muscle imbalances and restrictions in movement.

✅ Provide you with education and tools for you to maintain a strong and healthy shoulder into the future. 

☎️ If you have any questions regarding your shoulder pain, DM, book online or call us on 9740 5454. 

#physiohubwileypark #shoulder #shoulderpain #shoulderinjury #shoulderinstability #shoulderrehab #shoulderworkout #shouldermobility