Have you ever wondered whether your lunge technique is correct?

✅ Lunges are a great exercise to help build strength in the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles.

✅ They are also great at challenging balance, stability, and core control.

🚨 How to do lunges correctly:

➡️ Stand with both feet facing forward.

➡️ Step the right foot in front keeping it in line with the hip joint.

➡️ Come onto the balls of your left foot.

➡️ Gently drop your back knee to the floor.

➡️ Ensure your trunk stays upright. 

➡️ Repeat 10 times on each side or as instructed by your physiotherapist.

➡️ Progress to challenge yourself by holding weights.

🚨 Your knee position during a lunge is very important. This means:

➡️ Your knees do not move past your toes at the front.

➡️ Your knees do not rotate inwards.

➡️ You keep your body nice and upright.

✅ By having your knees moving in the correct way, your knee caps are able to distribute the force much more evenly around its surface area; thus reducing stress building up on only one area of the knee cap.

🚨 Things to consider:

➡️ If you are unsteady or feeling weak in your legs, use a stable surface for support.

➡️ Ensure to complete the exercise slowly and controlled.

➡️ Stop if you feel pain or are unsure of the technique.

☎️ Need help correcting your lunge technique? DM or call us on 9740 5454.

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