How steady are you on your feet?

Is your balance causing you problems?

Balance refers to an individual’s ability to maintain their line of gravity within their base of support. 

Problems with balance and falls become more common over the age of 50.

However, there are several other factors that can cause loss of balance and falls. These include:

➡️ Muscle weakness which can impact stride length and pace of movement

➡️ Poor vision

➡️ Chronic health conditions such as heart disease, dementia, lower blood pressure

➡️ Labyrinthitis – inflammation of the part of the ear that regulates balance

➡️ Neurological disorders

➡️ Head injuries

➡️ Side effect of medications

🤔 How can physio help?

Physiotherapists can provide a thorough assessment and diagnosis of the factors that are contributing to your imbalance and/or falls.

💡 Physiotherapy treatment can include:

✅ Environmental advice

✅ Balance exercises

✅ Proprioceptive exercises

✅ Mobility drills over different terrains

✅ Walking aid advice

✅ Vestibular rehabilitation

🤔 Have you noticed an increase in the number of falls you’ve had over the last 12 months?

🤔 Has maintaining your balance become an issue for you?

☎️ DM, book online or call us on 9740 5454 to find out more about how we can help you.