Is deadlifting bad for your back?

✅ Deadlifts are a great compound exercise, used to strengthen the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your back and lower body.

✅ They are among the best exercise for training your hip extensors which include your gluteus maximus and hamstring complex.

✅ Deadlifts are also great in helping strengthen the muscles that stabilise your spine, including the external oblique, rectus abdominis and erector spinae.

🚨 However, too often, we see people presenting with lower back pain from deadlifting.

 ⁉️ Deadlifting technique

➡️ Technique and position play a very important role in reducing injury rates and increasing performance.

➡️ Fatigue may also play a role in increased risk of injury when deadlifting.

➡️ Studies have shown a close association between fatigue and injury rates where higher levels of fatigue affect lifting technique and therefore increasing risk of injury.

✅ A simple fix for this is performing the more demanding exercises, such as a deadlift immediately following your warmup or in the early stages of your workout.

 ☎️ Need help correcting your deadlift? DM or call us on 9740 5454, we can help!

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