Physiotherapy and Weight Loss

🚨 Are you trying to lose weight?

πŸ’‘ It is better to lose weight before it starts negatively impacting your health rather than after, but it is never too late.

πŸ’‘ So, why don’t you start today!

βœ… Did you know that your physiotherapist can help with this?

βœ… The best way to lose weight is through a combination of diet and exercise.

➑️ In simple terms, weight loss happens when the energy out is greater than the energy in.

➑️ This means that you need to increase your energy expenditure (burning calories through physical activity) and decrease your energy intake (consuming less calories through changes in your diet).

πŸ’‘ Here are a few tips to get you started:

βœ… Only change one thing at a time. For example, start taking the stairs or parking your car further away from your destination so that you walk more. Make this change a part of your daily routine, and then add something else.

βœ… Find alternative snacking solutions. If you really like something crunchy while you watch TV, try popcorn instead of chips.

βœ… Stay hydrated. Often thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Whenever you feel hungry, drink a glass of water, and wait to see if the hunger decreases.

βœ… Move within your pain limits. If the only exercise you can do without pain is walking, then start with walking. Never force yourself to do anything that causes pain. If you find something that is challenging, that’s ok because you are working on something that your body is not use to.

☎️ If you feel like you would benefit from having a more individualized action plan, book online, DM, or call us on 9740 5454.

βœ… Our physiotherapists can work with you to develop specific strategies that fit with your needs and lifestyle.

🚨 And as always, ensure you consult with your GP to clear any medical related issues.

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