If you are experiencing deep knee pain, this main be due to a tear in the meniscus which is the shock absorber of the knee.
If you are experiencing deep knee pain, this main be due to a tear in the meniscus which is the shock absorber of the knee.
During pregnancy, the increase in body weight, creates a shift in your centre of gravity at a time when hormones are telling your ligaments to relax and lengthen.
With the hips being constantly loaded through lower limb kinetics and supporting the weight of the upper body, hip pain can be common for people with all types of activity level.
Bowed legs and knocked knees are a normal part of bony growth and maturation in children.
Although many people may think the most likely health care provider to address symptoms of the mouth or jaw would be a dentist; there has however been an advancement in Physiotherapy as a front line approach for TMD.